alstria office REIT-AG
Steinstrasse 7
20095 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 22 63 41 300
Fax.: +49 (0)40 22 63 41 310
Management Board:
Olivier Elamine, CEO
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Brad Hyler
Commercial register:
District Court Hamburg No. HRB 99204
VAT identification number:
For further questions please contact us directly.
The key figures published on this website in the “Portfolio” section are up-to-date data. They may differ materially from the data contained in the financial reports as these data relate to the respective reporting date. The up-to-date data has not been audited. Audited data can only be found in the financial reports.
The alstria office REIT-AG is responsible as a service provider for the “own contents”, which it holds ready for use, according to the general laws. From these own contents, cross-references (“links”) to the content provided by other providers should be distinguished. Through the cross-reference, the alstria office REIT-AG keeps available “foreign content” for use, which are marked in this way: [LINK]. It is only responsible for these third-party contents if it has positive knowledge of them (that is also of unlawful or criminal content).
The information on this website is only used to represent alstria and its business. alstria has carefully compiled the information on this website, but does not check the content on a daily basis. alstria makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on this site. In particular, you should be aware that the information on this website may be out of date. For that reason, you should not rely on any information that you receive on this website and verify such information before using it in any way whatsoever. The information on this website does not exempt you from your own examination. Neither alstria nor third parties who are involved in the creation, production or transmission of this website assume liability for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information provided.
Links, however, are dynamic references. Alstria office REIT-AG checked the foreign content during the initial linking to see if it could trigger a civil or criminal liability. However, it is not obliged to constantly review the content that it refers to in its offer for changes that could justify a responsibility. Only when it discovers or is advised by others that a specific offer to which it has provided a link triggers a civil or criminal liability, it will cancel the reference to this offer.